Wednesday, July 25, 2007

June Countdown (June 28-30)

June 28 - Same old same old. I recieved my plane ticket today for my business trip on July 4 to July 18 and the Narita Express ticket. On my way home, I bought 3 pcs chicken thighs for 365 yen from a convinience store in Shin-Kawasaki. This is my favorite past time meal; eating, listening to mellow music, while trudging the lonely walk from Shin-Kawasaki station to Leopalace. I will miss this things soon, but it doesn't mean I wanna do it again.

June 29 - Friday. Today is Ramon and Geff's last day of business trip here in MK, and MK would be back to normal. The usual looking-busy thing, dull moments, and sleepy heads will soon come back and make my days, Hahaha. But hey, we had a party in my room with Fukunaga-san and Akune-san. They drank my tequila stocks, Chivas, and table wine like tea, :D but it was fun anyway.

June 30 - Saturday. Ramon, Geff, Grace, and me went for an escapade. It was actually for Ramon and Geff's panic-sanpo-kind-of-thing farewell trip. (By thw way, they spent the night in my room while Akune-san on Grace's). Our route: Meet at Shinagawa at 2:30pm -> Ginza -> Tokyo Dome (we ate at Ichi-ran, and rode the roller coaster) -> Odaiba (Odaiba night was very romantic on summer, I wish I could visit this place again with someone special)

The splendid night Of Odaiba

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