June 30 - In my room in Shin-Kawasaki, Leopalace JOY. Actually it was also Ramon and Geff's farewell party. Hahaha. With Fukunaga-san, Akune-san, Ronald, Grace, and of cource Ramon and Geff
July 21 - In my room again, with the pinoy friends. Memorable party. I got them to taste one of my hobby, cocktail mix drinks. The attendees: Nanay and Tatay, Lloyd and Lily, Ryze and Jay, Grace, and me, Yehey!!! And we played mahjong, as usual, until 5AM of the following day.
July 25 - With the Hachiyama Test members. Hasegawa-san and Kudo-san. Soochuu fountain all the way. Got a little hang-over the next day. I would really miss these cool guys. I worked with them on my entire stay in Japan, with the same project.
July 27 - In Shinjuku, at Iruhoni Hometo with Grace, ill count this as one of my farewell party, hahaha, thanks Grace-san.
Thank you guys, and see you again someday. Kore-kiri janai desu ne. Mata ne.