Sunday, August 06, 2006

Natsu Yasumi (Summer Vacation)

Our group scheduled our natsu yasumi from Aug 11-20. Wasn't it exciting? If her trip was not cancelled, it could have been very much exciting. Anyway, Ryze and Jay would visit us for a mahjong marathon, hehe, I just learned how to play with mahjong, honestly I love the jokes thrown during our play than playing mahjong. But our boss had planned to give us a tour to Mt. Fuji. Yes!!! I am really very excited. My boss, Mr. Yoshizu, is a good, friendly, and cool guy (Not because of the Fuji-san thing of course). Just right before I came here in Japan, when our group first met him on a project meeting, all of us had thought that wat. He is not the usual Japanese guy who would just sit there and so quiet. You can talk to him about anything under the sun. I feel lucky to have him as my boss. Anyway, the tour on Aug 11 is something I could look forward to. Then, the Superman Returns movie with friends on Aug 12. Then, the Ginza birthday party for Ken the following day. And to be followed by a week of rest days. But I still have to attend on my Nihonggo class on Monday and Friday. Come what may, I will be enjoying the coming natsu yasumi.

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