Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Fading Venus

I once was so full of affection on Venus. She is everything I like in a planet. Beauty and charm shone from her with brilliance you could not find on some other planets. I liked her attitude, the way she roams around the solar system. Her smile towards the sun is full of charm yet witty. She has a will of a Mars yet, as Venus as she can be, fragile. But as I moved on towards Jupiter, Venus showed me her moons and stars, in a constellation telling me that she will fade away soon. Jupiter may be too massive for a planet but it was dull and dry, and Venus was all I wanted. But Venus never gave me a chance to prove unto her that she is far more radiant that Jupiter. I may be sent by the gods to Jupiter but my soul was on her mantle, resting. Now Venus is fading, far more than my sight could reach, less than my mind could imagine, and darker than a Plotunian mirage. She is so far, beyond miles. Now I could only rest my head, my heart, and my soul until the gods would send me back to my Earthen shore. For only then I could watch Venus on its glorious reign. For now, I shall dwell here in Jupiter's land, the land where i could see the sun rising, the land of the rising sun.

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