Thursday, November 06, 2014

MBA-ish post

Its been almost 6 months since I plunged
into this so-called graduate studies.

I allowed myself to get engulfed by
its ambitious stupidity, if i may say, 
we call masters degree. 

Stupidity does not necessarily mean a 
negative conotation for me, however.
It is an unbiased description of having
a lack of judgement or we say disregarding
all fears just to test your limit.

I started this MBA studies in June in UP, and now
i realized I miss my weekends, and relaxed
nights of going to gym, or reading articles or
writing something just to buy time before going
to sleep.

Now I became, shall i say, filled with school works?
or assignments and studies, that I find it
hard to squeeze things. I feel tired.

But hey, before you feel all the negativity
of all the words written above. If you feel it though.
Don't be fooled. I enjoyed what i am doing it now.
I just need to recognize that this is what my body
is feeling now, but my brain and my desires,
my happiness is there with me. I enjoyed the business,
the targets, the deliverables, and specially the studies.
Oh how i miss the feeling of being a student.
So, here we go, see you, laterz...

Hey..wait.. just because I took MBA, and just like
everyone else... doesn't make me smarter though.

BUT.. it makes me more well-informed and more
equipped with life :D

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