Tuesday, July 01, 2008

A Taste of Freedom

What is freedom?

I wont mention its Theasaurus definition, nor its dictionary meaning. I want you to describe it based on your own perception, definition, standards, or simply as you are. When I was a child, freedom to me is running down the green meadows near just near my Lola's house, or splashing waters over the silent streams, waking up its afternoon slumber, or climbing up the strong arms of the mighty mango trees. Freedom, as a child, means the absence of a guardian or a parent. I could play all I want, all day and anything. It is as sweet as the candy over that store, as joyful as the breeze I felt on my face as I came down running along the white lines of our nearby shores.
When I grew up, giving up the childish ways, freedom could mean no curfews, buying all that fashion jeans over that mall, going to bars, or places I like, drinking those fancy drinks with weird tastes, without feeling any guilt. But all it means is doing things that makes you happy even for very short moments.

Yesterday, June 30, is my last day of a particular contract with NSP. An invisble heavy feeling
seems to be lifted from me. An expected joy emerged. A birth of new plan.

Freedom means no bounds, freedom is the joy of making choices of your own.
Freedom is simply being just you.

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